To introduce the lost to Jesus Christ. To teach the saved how to live a life pleasing to God.


Church Service Time

Class 10 A.M.

Service 11 A.M.

Potluck 1st Sunday at 12 P.M.

Five in Ten

5 Headlines in about 10 Minutes

Coloring Books

Created by Kim Williamson


Created by Southards Ranch

Our Church
Did You Know?

The 365 Plan

Throughout scripture we hear a message repeated by God, "Fear Not". This encouragement is found 365 times in the Bible. A coincidence? I don't think so. When we feel threatened, out of control, or overwhelmed, God tells us to stop, look to Him and listen for the assurance of His Spirit that He will guide us.

Zig Ziglar The One Year daily insights devotional (March 26th)

Read More?

Worship Place & Time


This historic church is at 1333 Rodney Road, Jordan, Arkansas. From Highway 177, turn north on Rodney Road (Baxter Co. 66) and drive 1.25 miles to the stone church on the right.


Praise & Singing 9:45 A.M.
Sunday School 10:00 A.M.
Worship Service 11:00 A.M.
Bible Study 6:30 P.M. (on hold)
POT LUCK SUPPER begins Nov 7
First Sunday of the month 12:00 P.M

2023 Christmas Play


Pastors Ponderings <-- Read more

I've Fallen and Can't Get Up!

WE TRY TO LIVE A GODLY LIFE BUT ALAS WE KEEP FALLING. Is this the worst thing that happens to us today? Are we constantly disappointing our Lord? Here is the key! When did redemption begin? redemption can only begin AFTER the fall. Who do you know that can stand up and face God and tell Him everything is o.k. (no one) We can only come to the throne of God for grace and mercy.

Our salvation only comes from grace through faith. Salvation and grace come only after a fall. When we wander away from grace; we are being independent and self sufficient (like Eve in the garden). Some times the best thing that can happen to us is to trip up. This should lead us back to the cross for more grace. Grace can only be known after a fall. Think about it!!!