To introduce the lost to Jesus Christ. To teach the saved how to live a life pleasing to God.


Church Service Time

Class 10 A.M.

Service 11 A.M.

Potluck 1st Sunday at 12 P.M.

Five in Ten

5 Headlines in about 10 Minutes

Coloring Books

Created by Kim Williamson


Created by Southards Ranch

Our Church
Did You Know?

True Repentance

When the city of Nineveh repented, every citizen wore sackcloth as well as all of their animals. Jonah 3:8

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Worship Place & Time


This historic church is at 1333 Rodney Road, Jordan, Arkansas. From Highway 177, turn north on Rodney Road (Baxter Co. 66) and drive 1.25 miles to the stone church on the right.


Praise & Singing 9:45 A.M.
Sunday School 10:00 A.M.
Worship Service 11:00 A.M.
Bible Study 6:30 P.M. (on hold)
POT LUCK SUPPER begins Nov 7
First Sunday of the month 12:00 P.M

2023 Christmas Play


Pastors Ponderings <-- Read more


Moses brother Aaron began his ministry with the pouring of oil on his head for anointing. David's ministry began the same way with the prophet Samuel pouring the oil. Oil is a symbol of the outpouring of the Spirit of God: priests, prophets and Kings were all anointed for service. Jesus began His ministry with the Spirit falling upon Him at the Jordan River.

The apostles/disciples began their ministry with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Every ministry and every calling always begins with the pouring out of the Spirit upon the individual. This is symbolized by Baptism. Whatever you were called to do, there is an anointing for you. You must begin with God's power and not your own.

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